BI Adoption

Work with Business to help Adopt more BI and its technologies to get the desired Benefits


CompDash answers basic & advanced questions on Compensation & Commission.

As a sales rep, Am I getting paid correct?
Is my attainment calculated correct?
What are the commissions forecast for next pay out period?


Partner Dash answers basic and advanced partner related questions

Is Partner meeting his Goals comparing to his peers?
Is partner on target in terms of his Annual Revenue Recognition?
Is the partner staying at the correct partner type all the time? Or should we elevate him?


ROBII helped many companies realign their BI investments, increase adoption and improve infrastructure performance by measuring the usage and performance of their BI tools, applications and reports.

ROBII is driven by Big Data Predictive Algorithms, helps you identify:

If the low usage and low adoption percentage is due to performance issues ?
Which technologies and reports are trending so you'll be able to focus more on the correct areas.
When and where the users are dropping off in order to improve usage and performance
Where and how much should you be investing.

About Us

StratApps, headquartered in Silicon Valley, is a Global Solutions and Products company focused on enabling organizations to use data as a growth lever. With more than 7 years of experience in helping organizations realize the value of analytics, whether they are startups or Fortune 500 companies, our customers have the data to make informed decisions to increase profits, optimize utilization of resources, reduce waste, and focus on areas of growth. 

Contact Info

42840 Christy Street, Suite 223, Fremont, CA 94538, US

Let us help you get your project started.

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+44(0)20 3156
+1 866 512 0268

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