Tableau Advanced charts


Advanced impressive charts with stunning visuals enabled through Tableau.

With just few clicks, you can create mesmerizing visuals using extensions in Tableau dashboards.

When you want to embed new visualization types which are not present in the default mode of Tableau, you can always do it though ‘Tableau app with advanced charts extension file’ in just few clicks.

Things that you can do with Advanced Charts Extension:

  • Visualize downward-branching hierarchical structure with Concept Map diagrams
  • Visualize a dynamic tree map to illustrate the EDW work flow
  • Visualize coffee wheel map for hierarchical data.
  • Visualize advanced grid features which are not present in the grid view.
  • Create a hierarchical edge bundling for sales dashboards and much more..…

There’s so much that you can do with Tableau extension by using advanced charts that we provide.

Advanced charts never gets access to your data

Our extensions do not store any of your Tableau data into our servers. The web servers we use to host the extensions to maintain and process the data into advanced charts on runtime basis.

Tableau offers some additional guides and tips on data security with regards to Tableau Dashboard Extensions

This extension offers various extra visualization types not being present in the Tableau default.

Enterprise-Ready Security

If your company policy or an IT security regulation requires an on-premise installation/integration of the extension, we can help you in setting up the infrastructure. This can be particularly useful when your Tableau server is not granted internet access, or you need to be in full control of the usage and management of your extensions

With on-premise installation, you can be in full control of your infrastructure, privacy, governance, and the compliance policies of your organization. It also allows for the installation/hosting of several individual extensions. Some of the advantages include:

Control on your extensions on your own web server.
Respect data governance policy
Comply with company security policy
Technical support on your extensions.
Service for New maps on your extensions.

Please contact us for more information regarding the on-premise installation of our extensions. Our consultants will advise you on the best solutions, tailored to your specific requirements.

About Us

StratApps, headquartered in Silicon Valley, is a Global Solutions and Products company focused on enabling organizations to use data as a growth lever. With more than 7 years of experience in helping organizations realize the value of analytics, whether they are startups or Fortune 500 companies, our customers have the data to make informed decisions to increase profits, optimize utilization of resources, reduce waste, and focus on areas of growth. 

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